
The Rules and Regulations.

The Town of Laurentian Hills conducts its business according to by-laws. The following by-laws are pertinent to the municipality (you can click on each one for the text of the by-law)


Animal Control By-Law
ATV By-Law
Building Permit Fees By-Law 11-12
Civil Marriage By-Law
Council Procedural By-Law
Furnace Outdoor By-Law
Pool Fences By-Law
Property Standards By-Law
Open Air Fires By-Law
Outdoor Furnace By-Law
Tipping Fee Amendment By-Law
Tipping Fees
Water and Sewer Rate By-Law
Watering Restriction By-Law


Donation Policy - HERE


The Memorial Tree Program - The Memorial tree program provides residents with the opportunity to honor loved ones, families or groups by having a tree with a memorial plaque installed on municipal property.  The Memorial tree program and application can be found HERE or by calling the office at 613-584-3114.

The Memorial Bench Program - The Memorial bench program provides residents with the opportunity to honor loved ones, families or groups by having a bench with a memorial plaque installed on municipal property.  Memorial bench program and application can be found HERE or by calling the office at 613-584-3114.

Building Permits

A building permit is the expressed permission of a municipality to start construction of a building project in compliance with the building code and act. You must obtain a building permit before you do any of the following: Construct a new...